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Birds Eye Robotics - Robotic Solutions with Farmer Common Sense

Updated: Apr 21, 2021

The upkeep and maintenance of poultry houses is hard work. With continual pressure in agriculture labor markets, Birds Eye’s autonomous robotic solution aims to connect cutting edge technology with farmer common sense.

Combine Company Highlight: Birds Eye Robotics

The Combine has numerous companies working through the AgTech Incubator Programming and wants to individually showcase each company. The third company we are highlighting is Birds Eye Robotics.

Hear from the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Birds Eye Robotics, Scott Niewohner.

After having a conversation with my cousin a couple years ago about how he wanted to build some poultry barns but he didn’t want to deal with the everyday maintenance they require, I knew there was an opportunity to solve this problem, and I knew we could do it in small-town Nebraska. Currently Birds Eye Robotics is well on the way to developing our pre-production robot.

What Problem Are You Solving?

Birds Eye Robotics is building a solution for labor scarcity in commercial poultry production. With such a high demand for the chicken product that many families enjoy, companies are rapidly growing to meet the demand for chicken. Hundreds of new poultry barns are being built every year, adding to the 100,000+ barns in the United States. Poultry farmers to-do lists are long and never-ending, and it is extremely difficult to find, train, and keep reliable employees.

How Does the Birds Eye Robot Solve That Problem?

The Birds Eye Robot creates automation, not frustration. Ultimately, the robot helps poultry farmers with day-to-day tasks in the care taking of the poultry. The robot's capabilities include the following:

  • Designed with the Farmer in Mind: Birds Eye navigates broiler houses with 20,000+ birds, commercial feeders, water lines, and migration fences.

  • Removal of Poultry Mortality: Artificial intelligence recognizes mortality and removes them with a 90% reduction in labor.

  • Increase Feed Conversion: Robotic solution encourages bird stimulation throughout the house. This improves bird well-fare and efficiency.

  • Improve Bedding Condition: Birds Eye's custom-designed treads break up caked bedding to improve the house environment.

"Birds Eye Robotics was specifically designed at the request of poultry growers to reduce the labor demand and cost"

What is Birds Eye's Mission Statement?

"You have enough on your plate. We are here to help.

We understand the pinch for labor and the financial squeeze that can happen when managing large broiler houses. This business was built by request of a local growers, who simply did not have enough hours in the day. With our roots in Herman, Nebraska, we understand this industry and strive to ensure your experience has the best return on your investment possible.

  • Local Support and Assistance

  • Respectful of Privacy and House Biosecurity Precautions

  • Farmer First Attitude"

How Has Your Experience Been With The Combine?

Our goal is to begin demoing the robot by the end of summer and secure pre-orders for the manufactured machine and begin building it by March 2022. Birds Eye is poised to transform the way the poultry industry does their job and we are actively seeking both industry professionals that share in our vision and would like to join us as we revolutionize the poultry industry.

- Scott, Co-Founder of Birds Eye Robotics


What is The Combine?

Invest Nebraska’s Combine Incubator is a statewide initiative focused on supporting high-growth agri-food entrepreneurs through mentoring, commercialization support, physical incubation space on Nebraska's Innovation Campus, and a network of supporting farmers and ranchers across the state. Invest Nebraska is a private, non-profit statewide venture development organization focused on high-growth companies in Nebraska and growing the state’s entrepreneurial economy. Invest Nebraska works directly with entrepreneurs, researchers, and companies to help commercialize their technologies, launch and grow new businesses, and access needed capital.


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